Stopping In – FINALLY! ;)

Hello!!! Sorry I have been so lame about posting on my blog you guys! I will be better once I get caught up around here. 🙂 I have been so busy making these…


that I have neglected this blog. 😦 Thanks for sticking around, though! That means a lot to me. 😀

So… last weekend my wonderful husband moved all of my sewing stuff to the garage. So, I now have my own space!! Welcome to my new garage studio… please keep in mind that it will begin to look better. LOL! Right now it’s pretty bare, except for the GQ mag with Robert Pattinson on the front, my skein on fantastic yarn, and a picture of my girls… I need to find my pictures of Mike to add up there too. 🙂 I also plan to paint my peg boards turquoise…




I will take more pictures once it’s more done. 🙂 Last night Mike put up a few pendant lights over our workspaces! It’s looking great! I BIG BIG BIG thanks to my wonderful husband! He even swept and mopped that GARAGE for me! LOL! What a guy! 🙂

Oh, and here is that fantastic rainbow yarn I was talking about…


I saw it in this etsy shop, and HAD to have it. 😀 I have plans for it.

Well… sorry to say, but that’s all for now!!! I will be back soon. Oh… no giveaway this week… I have a terrible headache, Zoe has a cold or something, and I am just really swamped… but, next week for sure. 😉

Please tell me what you’ve been up to!!! I do love hearing from you all. 🙂



This entry was posted in *Shey*[B], camera strap covers, knitting, Mike, sewing. Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to Stopping In – FINALLY! ;)

  1. Stay Funny says:

    Looking great!Just sent you my order over on ETSY!Thanks in advance!

  2. Very nice having your own space!

  3. Robin says:

    I looonng for the day when I can finally have my own craft space. As of now I have to drag everything out of the laundry room to the kitchen table or computer desk. It makes it hard to want to do anything because I don’t want to put it away!Good for you to get one. And good job to the Hubs for doing such an awesome job getting it ready for you. That rocks!

  4. Mommafo says:

    What do you knit/crochet?

  5. Denissa says:

    It looks great! Can’t wait to see more 🙂

  6. Jennifer says:

    oh yay! I see lots of potential for this garage studio 🙂

  7. M and E says:

    I’m glad other grown women/moms have a thing for Robert Pattinson too! He’s soooooo dreamy!! 🙂

  8. Elizabeth says:

    look at that pretty yarn!

  9. Melissa Abby says:

    Love the work area/office! It looks great.

  10. Aron & Suz says:

    nice work, mike! the garage is AWESOME!!

  11. Ashley says:

    You know what you should sell -Stethoscope covers. It’s the same as making your camera strap covers.You should post a few to see if they sell.Being in healthcare, I know some people who would love them.~Ashley

  12. Your new space is FABULOUS! Especially that Rob magazine…

  13. RockerJewlz says:

    Lucky lucky you! That is awesome to gain a space like that…wow, I’m salivating from my tiny living room corner studio!

  14. Tess says:

    Your new space looks wonderful. I love the “wall art” your spools of thread make. I joined an art swap with 6 o’clock stitch and have been busy creating for that. My first real swap and I an nervous about the piece being perfect.

  15. Katie says:

    Hi Shey! I am jealous! That workspace looks great! (Meanwhile, my current sewing projects and machine are draped all over the dining room table.) I still enjoy checking in with you here! 🙂

  16. I have those very same black and white note cards with the turquoise envelopes! I *heart* them and wish I had purchased several packs!Great space!

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